Manage My Email
Email management is temporarily unavailable due to scheduled database maintenance.
Please try again later.
{{ (emailAddress && emailAddress != "") ? emailAddress : "" }} {{ (emailAddress && emailAddress != "") ? "does not" : "You do not" }} currently receive emails from any calendars or events. You are not signed in
Calendar Email
{{ emailAddress }} is on the email distribution list for the following {{ calEmails + calNoEmails == 1 ? 'calendar' : 'calendars' }}:
You will receive upcoming-event calendar emails from selected calendars. To stop receiving emails, clear the calendar {{ calEmails + calNoEmails == 1 ? 'checkbox' : 'checkboxes' }} and click  Submit.
{{ emailAddress }} will no longer receive calendar emails for the following {{ calNoEmails == 1 ? 'calendar' : 'calendars' }}:

{{ emailAddress }} will continue to receive calendar emails for the following {{ calEmails == 1 ? 'calendar' : 'calendars' }}:

Event Email
{{ emailAddress }} may receive event-specific emails for the following {{ evtEmails + evtNoEmails == 1 ? 'calendar' : 'calendars' }}:
You will receive email reminders and other event-specific emails from selected calendars. To stop receiving emails, clear the calendar {{ evtEmails + evtNoEmails == 1 ? 'checkbox' : 'checkboxes' }} and click  Submit.
{{ emailAddress }} will no longer receive event emails for the following {{ evtNoEmails == 1 ? 'calendar' : 'calendars' }}:

{{ emailAddress }} will continue to receive event emails for the following {{ evtEmails == 1 ? 'calendar' : 'calendars' }}:

Opt-Out Option

To stop {{ emailAddress }} from receiving any emails from all calendars, including email reminders (even if you set them up), other event-related emails, and upcoming-event calendar emails, select this checkbox and click  Submit.
{{ emailAddress }} will no longer receive any emails from {{ emailDomain }}.

We apologize for any inconvenience.