Wednesday, November 28, 2018, 12 – 1pm EST
Register today to join the EFC webinar on "Youth Renegotiating Faith in Christian Postsecondary Schools." The just released "Renegotiating Faith" research offers insights into how Canadian young adults reach maturity in life and faith, and the role that churches, mentors and pastors play. There is more though. How are faith and maturity different for youth who attend Christian postsecondary schools? How is Christian identity formed in the midst of Bible college and graduate theological school? What do parents and pastors need to know about the opportunities and challenges for youth who attend those institutions?
Join our expert guests: Rick Hiemstra, director of research for the EFC and lead researcher for Renegotiating Faith; Justin Cooper, executive director of Christian Higher Education Canada; and Bruce Guenther, associate professor of church history and Mennonite studies at Trinity Western University. With host Karen Stiller.
Schedule: Wednesday, Nov. 28 at noon Eastern / 9 a.m. Pacific / 10 a.m. Mountain / 11 a.m. Central / 1 p.m. Atlantic / 1:30 Newfoundland. Our webinars usually last 45 minutes.