Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 2 – 3 p.m. EDT
Exploring Ecosystems with Otters
What is an ecosystem and how does otter poop tell us how healthy an ecosystem is? Join us as we visit the Smithsonian’s Environmental Research Center to explore otters who live in the Chesapeake Bay. This program welcomes kindergarten through middle school students.
Crosscutting Concepts: Patterns, cause and effect, systems and systems models, structure and function, stability and change
Program Details & Accessibility:
Live virtual programs take place monthly from October through May. These programs are designed for multiple groups of students to join and learn together. We welcome all audiences from individuals and home-schooling families to large groups or schools. Programs take place on Zoom in webinar format. Individual participants’ audio and video will be disabled, but students can actively participate using polls, emoji reactions, Q&A, and chat to hosts. Program includes live captioning, American sign language (ASL) interpretation, and simulcast Spanish interpretation. The program will be recorded and posted on our website and as well as emailed out everyone who registered 24-48 hours after the program. ASL TIP: If you would like to see the ASL interpreter, we recommend joining on a computer instead of a phone or tablet so the interpreter will be visible the entire time. Program Resources:
Take your student’s learning further! All programs come with a collection of resources released at the beginning of the month, which can be found on the Zoo’s school programs page at…. The collection includes an “I Wonder…” video which is a great introduction to the monthly program topic, an activity that can be used during the program, an activity to use after the program, and a “Career Connections” video that connects students to a related STEAM career. Note: the program can be enjoyed without accessing the additional resources alone as well.