Tuesday, January 15, 2019, 11:30 AM – 1 PM EST
Selden Deemer, Librarian Emeritus
“Never Too Late: A 72-Year-Old Undergraduate Speaks”
Two years ago, when EUEC member Selden Deemer and his wife moved to Dahlonega where they now live “amid cows, chickens, turkeys, forest rats (deer),” and lots of Trumpians, Selden began to consider studying a language other than English as a way to keep his mind fit. He was delighted to discover that the University of North Georgia has a rich foreign language program, and he decided to revisit the Arabic he had studied in college and grad school—and used during years when he worked as a librarian in Saudi Arabia. This past fall, he followed up that audit with actual enrollment in an Introduction to Islam course (in which he earned an A he’s very proud of). And he’s now hoping to do as well in two spring semester courses, Introduction to Islam II and Arabic Epigraphy and Calligraphy.
When Selden shared the pleasures (and challenges) of his experience as a decidedly postgrad undergraduate with John Bugge last September, John suggested he share the same with us—in a Lunch Colloquium. And we see a program on this subject as the perfect way to kick off a new year of offerings in which the Emeritus College itself enables our members to enjoy “School Forever” even as Selden is doing in Dahlonega.
To reinforce this Colloquium’s celebration of the student-at-any-age experience, we would like to invite those planning to attend to speak (briefly) about comparable experiences they’ve had themselves—enrolling in courses (or perhaps whole degree programs), at institutions academic or otherwise, here in Atlanta or elsewhere in the world (maybe through organizations like Road Scholar), or (as is so wonderfully possible now) online. If you would like to speak, please write Gretchen Schulz at gschulz@emory.edu to sign up to do so. First come, first accommodated. We expect we can schedule 8 attendees to supplement Selden’s 40-minute presentation with 5-minute presentations of their own.