Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 5 – 8pm EDT
You now have two ways to participate in public comment, in-person and virtually through Zoom. You must register online to participate regardless of how you wish to participate. For assistance in signing up, please contact the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners at (828) 250-4001.
Participating In-Person?
After registering for in-person public comment online, you can come to the Commissioners’ Chambers at 200 College St. room 326 to participate. If we can maintain social distance in chambers, you are welcome to wait there – if too many people are in the room, we will have a waiting room for you until it is your turn to speak for public comment. Note: once public comment ends, the chambers will be closed for in-person attendance.
Participating Over Zoom?
When registering please provide a valid email address (check for spelling) and phone number. Prior to the Commissioners’ Meeting, you will receive an email from “Max Taintor” via Zoom with your Zoom link to attend the meeting. If you have questions about the Zoom platform, please email max.taintor@buncombecounty.org.
Regardless if you are participating in public comment in-person or over Zoom, the following are the rules associated with it. Note: The Board of Commissioners has the discretion to adjust the protocol for public comment at the beginning of the Public Meeting. What is written below is standard, but may not always apply for public comment: