Monday, November 19, 2018, 11:30 AM – 1 PM EST
Arri Eisen, Professor of Pedagogy, Nat C. Robertson Distinguished Teaching Chair in Science and Society
“Biology and Buddhism: What I've Learned about Life during a Decade Teaching Science to the Dalai Lama's Monks and Nuns”
When the Dalai Lama invited Emory to shape and lead the first significant change to his monastics' academic curriculum in six centuries, little did anyone imagine what all involved were in for. But today, we’ll hear from a person well equipped to tell us. Arri Eisen, the current Nat C. Robertson Distinguished Teaching Chair in Science and Society, who has been teaching in Biology, Interdisciplinary Studies, and the Center for Ethics at Emory for 28 years, has been involved in the Emory Tibet Science Initiative for more than a decade. He is the author, with Yungdrung Konchok, of The Enlightened Gene: Biology, Buddhism, and the Convergence that Explains the World (ForeEdge,2018).