If you plan to publish multiple calendars that share most of the same settings and styles, you can copy these settings and styles from one publication to others.
Copying can save you a lot of time when the source calendar (the one you're copying from) and the destination calendars (the ones you're copying to) share the same branding and overall purpose (for example, they are all publicly accessible and accessible on the same website).
Treat this time-saving feature carefully though. Copying affects so many aspects of a publication that you can easily end up with unexpected results.
For example, a password protected calendar might suddenly becoming searchable and available to the public.
Warning After copying settings the first time, you might customize some destination calendar settings. If you update source calendar settings and copy those settings again, you'll wipe out the destination calendar customizations.
When you copy a publication's settings and styles, you affect a wide range of areas. While the list below is not comprehensive, it gives you a sense for the broad scope of what's included.
Tip To customize the main calendar spud, in the Publishing Control Panel, click the Calendar Spuds tab. In the Main Calendar Spud box, click Edit Settings & Styles.
Control access to published calendars and Use secure URLs to protect calendars
When you copy publish and spud settings and styles, a few settings and styles do not get copied.
Some of what's not copied makes perfect sense. For example, each calendar has its own unique web name and it's own unique combination of mixed-in calendars.
But it's important to realize that you must set up some features, such as event colors and submission forms, individually for each destination calendar.
Tip When you copy publish and spud settings and styles, settings from the Trumba Connect editing environment are generally not affected. For example, calendar template and event registration form assignments are not affected. The one important exception is that the destination calendar takes the time zone of the source calendar.
In addition to editing environment settings, settings not copied include:
Remember that copying settings is a one-time action. If, after copying, you update one publication's settings, those updates are not passed automatically to other publications. You have to copy settings again to pass the updates along.
Tip You can do only a preliminary review in the preview window. For a more thorough review, answer all of the questions on the post-copying checklist.
After you copy the source calendar's publish and spud settings, it's a good idea to preview each destination calendar carefully to confirm that no settings changed unexpectedly.
You'll also want to make settings changes for ways in which each destination calendar differs from the source. For example, you may want the destination calendar to use different calendar views and a different default view from the source calendar. Or, for some destination calendars, you may need to set a different time zone.
For help in conducting a thorough preview, walk through the following checklist.
Note Some checklist questions may not be relevant for your particular implementation.
To confirm a calendar's access settings, embed the calendar spud into a test page.