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Can I clone spuds?
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Importing Events
Programmatically upload iCal files
Using HTTP PUT, send an .ics file to create, update, and delete events.
Prepare iCal files for import
Details on iCal file format including Trumba extensioins for custom field support.
Event Feeds
Build custom feed URLs
Build custom URLs for calendar feeds with query parameters to request specific events.
JSON feed OpenAPI on SwaggerHub
Detailed documentation on our JSON event feed on SwaggerHub.
Event Registration
Registration attendee feed
Generate a .csv file containing registration records.
Registration OpenAPI on SwaggerHub
Detailed documentation on our event registration API on SwaggerHub.
Spud API
Customize spud code
The two components of spud code described.
Spud properties
In addition to URL parameters that fine-tune spud display or behavior, you can use properties.
Control calendar views
Modify spud code to publish different views on different webpages.
$Trumba.addSpud() method
Description, return value, arguments, and examples of the method.
$Trumba.Spuds.controller.getSpudByID() method
Description, return value, arguments, and examples of the method.
spud.getEventSummary() method
Description, return value, arguments, and example of the method.
spud.getPermalink() method
Description, return value, arguments, and example of the method.
URL parameters
Override publishing settings by adding parameters to links or spud code.
spudType parameters
List of possible values for the spudType argument required by spud code.