Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 5 – 7pm EDT
Registration is required.Please register via the Sign Up link.While research on psychedelics is ever present in our contemporary moment, there is a long tradition of interest in psychoactive drugs at Harvard University—from the ethnobotanical studies of the 1940s, to “mind-control” experiments of the 1950s, to the “heyday” of psychedelic research and activism of the 1960s. This walking tour traipses through the history of psychedelics at Harvard—stitching together figures as far back as Ralph Waldo Emerson, to little-known heroes of ‘60s drug culture, to contemporary felons, fugitives, and academics. This tour will be guided by the program leads for psychedelics and spirituality at the Centre, Jeffrey Breau and Paul Gillis-Smith. The tour is also accessible via Spotify, linked here. The tour will cover about 2 miles. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended. The tour will convene in front of the CSWR, at 42 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA, at 5:00pm, and conclude in Harvard Square at the Kennedy School, at 79 John F Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA. Organizers will let registrants know if we plan to postpone due to inclement weather.